Dharma Teaching Altar Cards
The Four Immeasurables Dharma Altar Card is 7″x9″ in size and is protected with thick optical-quality lamination (10ml.) for long life. This card is incredibly beautiful. The Four Immeasurables are shown over an exquisite thangka painting of the Bodhisattva White Tara, the Compassionate Mother of Long Life. The deeper wisdom contained in each of the Four Immeasurables is revealed by illuminating commentaries on the back of the card. $8.95
The Four Immeasurables Dharma Teaching Altar Card. The Four Immeasurables – Loving-kindness (Metta), Compassion (Karuna), Sympathetic Joy (Mudita), and Equanimity (Upekkha) – are the sublime expressions of love: the essential nature and radiance of the enlightened heart. They are also known as the Four Limitless Ones, The Four Sublime States, The Four Boundless States, and the Brahmaviharas or Divine Abodes. These four qualities of true love are said to be sublime, noble, and most excellent for they are the ideal way of relating with all living beings.

These four sublime qualities of love are called immeasurable because their capacity to purify the heart and generate positive energy is beyond measure. In addition, as this sublime love grows within us through our sincere dharma practice, it extends immeasurably to all living beings throughout all realms of existence. The Buddha suggests we remain in this loving state of being at all times. This he refers to as the “Sublime Abiding.”
Your purchase greatly assists our Naljor Prison Dharma Service in bringing the “seeds of liberation” to those behind prison walls.
The Eight Verses for Training the Mind Dharma Altar Card is 7″x9″ in size and is protected with thick optical-quality lamination (10ml.) for long life. The Eight Verses are shown over an exquisite thangka painting of Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig), the Buddha of Compassion. The deeper wisdom contained in each of the Eight Verses is revealed by the illuminating commentaries on the back of the card. A profound lojong practice! $8.95
Eight Verses for Training the Mind Dharma Teaching Altar Card. Composed by the Buddhist Master Langri Tangpa (1054-1123), Eight Verses for Training the Mind is a highly-revered text from the Mahayana Lojong (mind training) Tradition. These instructions offer essential practices for cultivating the awakening mind of compassion, wisdom, and love (bodhichitta). In just eight simple verses, this remarkable teaching enshrines the very heart of Buddha Dharma, revealing the true essence of the Mahayana path to liberation.
As we practice these lojong teachings, we train the mind to embrace reality in a completely wholesome, wise, and compassionate way. These excellent practices help us purify negativity and awaken the heart by giving us a way to transform adversity and hardship into a direct opportunity for spiritual growth. In this way, rather than perceiving difficult people or adverse circumstances in our lives as an obstacle, tragedy, or punishment, we now meet these experiences with deep compassion, wisdom, and skill, using them as the actual path to enlightenment. His Holiness the Dalai Lama refers to this work as one of the main sources of his own inspiration and includes it in his daily meditations.
Your purchase greatly assists our Naljor Prison Dharma Service in bringing the “seeds of liberation” to those behind prison walls.

The Four Noble Truths and The Noble Eightfold Path Dharma Altar Card is 7″x10″ in size and is protected with thick optical-quality lamination (10ml.) for long life. This Dharma Altar Card offers a lucid, highly accurate rendition of the Buddha’s Four Noble Truths; the essential foundation of all dharma practice. A complete and profound dharma teaching transmission on a single card, easily accessible for study, inspiration, and practice! The Four Noble Truths are printed over an exquisite thangka painting of Buddha Shakyamuni. The Noble Eightfold Path is presented on the back of the card. $8.95
The Four Noble Truths and The Noble Eightfold Path Dharma Teaching Altar Card. One of the world’s greatest and most profound teachings. Here Shakyamuni Buddha offers us the truth of suffering and the embracing of suffering with awareness. He teaches us about the causes of suffering and offers a deep understanding of these causes. The Buddha also offers us the grand possibility of bringing dissatisfaction and suffering to a welcome end and clearly describes the Noble Eightfold Path we must follow to accomplish this liberation from suffering and reach enlightenment (Nirvana).

The First Noble Truth / Dukkha: The Truth of Dissatisfaction and Suffering. The Second Noble Truth / Samudaya: The Cause of Dissatisfaction and Suffering. The Third Noble Truth / Nirodha: The Cessation of Dissatisfaction and Suffering. The Fourth Noble Truth / Magga: The Path Leading to the Cessation of Dissatisfaction and Suffering.
The Noble Eightfold Path: Right Understanding (or Right View), Right Thought (or Right Intention), Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness (or Right Attention), and Right Concentration.
Your purchase greatly assists our Naljor Prison Dharma Service in bringing the “seeds of liberation” to those behind prison walls.
The Loving-kindness Meditation Altar Card is 5″x7″ in size and is protected with thick optical-quality lamination (10ml.) for long life. The heart-opening verses of the Loving-kindness Meditation are shown over an exquisite photograph of a lotus flower; an ancient symbol of the pure heart-mind of wisdom and compassion. A brief commentary, along with instructions for practicing the Loving-kindness Meditation are offered on the back of the card. $6.95
Loving-kindness Meditation Altar Card. The Discourse on Loving-kindness (Metta Sutta) was given by Buddha Shakyamuni 2600 years ago. The loving-kindness he spoke of then is still the deepest need of the world today. The Pali word metta (maitri in Sanskrit) mean universal loving-kindness, friendliness, and goodwill free from expectation and possessiveness. With this sublime heart of love, we express care and concern for all beings through benevolent thoughts, feelings, and words, as well as through selfless acts of kindness and generosity. Including this powerful meditation in our practice brings immense benefit. We develop the valuable skill of concentration. We dissolve the barriers in our hearts that create separation between ourselves and others. We transform fear and negativity into courage and kindness, and we learn to care for and love all beings without exception. The radiance of our loving-kindness brings protection from harmful influences and offers blessings and beneficience to all it touches. In the Anguttara Nikaya 11:16, Buddha Shakyamuni tells us there are eleven different blessings that one can expect from the dedicated practice of universal loving-kindness!

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