Geshe Langri Tangpa’s Eight Verses for Training the Mind, offered by Naljor Creations, is a wonderful addition to altar or workplace. In these increasingly perilious times the only real defense is a mind well grounded in compassion and love. This beautiful laminated card offers the perfect glance meditation and commentary on opening the mind to seeing all situations as opportunities for spiritual growth. I wholeheartedly recommend it!
Janice Allan
Manager, Dharma Treasures Bookshop,
Vajrapani Institute – Boulder Creek, CA.
The Eight Verses offers a strong reflection; an opportunity to go within and really look at ourselves.
Mireille DeWitt
Buyer at the Herb Room – Santa Cruz, CA
I am so happy to give a testimonial, as I think you are offering a wonderful gift in giving dharma teachings in such a beautiful presentation. You kindly gave me some of the Eight Verses dharma cards to pass out during my prison visits (as a CRA at Tucker Maximum Security Prison in Arkansas) and those who received them were thrilled. The dharma cards are now sitting on many, very touching, make-shift altars in their cells. The cards sit aside pictures of various Buddhas, flowers they picked in their yard calls that managed to survive in the dog-trot enclosures, and some sit besides pictures of Mother Theresa, Jesus, and their families. One can tell that the Eight Verses cards are among their most prized possessions. In addition, I very happily listed, in the Dharma Friends Newsletter, that inmates could write to request one of the Eight Verses cards. On another of my prison visitation days, one of my young group members – a boy who has been in prison since the age of 18, has multiple life sentences, and is now learning to meditate – came into the group showing everyone his card that he had sent for. He was flushed with excitement and was so happy with the beauty and the message of the card.
It is hard to imagine, that in a world [prison] where so little is beautiful and so few care about people, the incredible impact that such a gift has on people’s lives. Thank you for bringing joy and the seeds of liberation to so many.
Anna Cox
Editor of Dharma Friends Newsletter – Little Rock, AR
As I began to work with the Eight Verses for Training the Mind, I believed them to be so simple as to almost be trite. However, by committing to the daily practice of finding places to apply them, both within myself and with those I touch, I have found them to be among the most profound tools of humility, true compassion, understanding (of myself and others), gratitude, awareness, and grace. By allowing my self-importance to die, what is found is a deepening ability to hold space for others. In this presence, others find revealed all they need to heal, awaken, and grow in their own spiritual awareness. The Eight Verses are an integral part of my devotion to service.
Rebecca Bolow
Clinical Hypnotherapist, spiritual counselor,
owner of Heart of the Golden Age – Auburn, CA
The potent and purifying practices of the Eight Verses for Training the Mind really showed me the life-negating attitudes still existing in my mind and heart. For this reflection I am grateful, it has opened the door to a deeper practice and understanding of Dharma. At first reading, the verses appear to be either impossible to accomplish, or even too simple to be of any value. However, the profoundness, depth, and value of this precious lojong teaching constantly reveals itself to me as I study, deeply contemplate, and practice the Eight Verses for Training the Mind each day to the best of my ability.
Neil Cohen
Owner of Naljor Creations – Mt. Shasta, CA